sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Living in Bangkok + Pad Thai recipe

This writing is mainly for those of us who are living in a large metropolis and those who are planing to visit one in the future. Here are some practical tips that can help you to make life in a big city, a more bearable experience.
This is based on my own experience living in Bangkok for two months. Bangkok is a huge city with about 6 million inhabitants, with high levels of noise and air pollution, a very hot and humid tropical climate which makes you feel sweaty at all times. There is a great number of shopping malls creating totally artificial environments that made me think about the incredible strength and adaptability of humans to the environment in which they live. I found large city to be an hostile environment sometimes and I wondered how was possible for its citizen, to live healthily and happily in this habitat.
Of course, when you live in a big city, you will always have the positive side as well. Bangkok has also amazing things that contrast to the hardness of the daily life. My favourite one was to find sweetness in many moments in which local people, would grant me with a wide and sincere smile.
If you are not used to the big-city environment, the act of spending some hours around the city or at the crowded shopping mall, can be devastating on an energy level. As being present and attentive to the infinite amount of sensory stimuli to which will be exposed, requires attention and energy.

Home & Food

The home is at the very first place because, after our own physical body, our home is our most intimate and vital space. We will try our best to create a nice environment with a restful , relaxing and clean atmosphere.
The accelerated-like city life will demands a lot of your energy , so make sure your home is a place where you will be able to recharge your batteries . Rest and sleep. If it is possible, sleep at least eight hours.
If you are able to invest some time for cooking at home, that is a good idea too. I would suggest the idea of cooking at home versus eating out. Cooking your own food is not only healthy way to play with your creativity, but it is also the ultimate act of freedom . You are choosing and deciding what is that you and your loved ones will be fuelling your energy with.
 Choose biological and local and seasonal food when possible, consume enough water and lots of natural juices and herbal teas.
Opt by a more plant-based foods and include foods that helps detoxifying your body of heavy metals. Cilantro , algae , teas, lemon , fruits, vegetables , whole grains and plant proteins are good ideas. Avoid eating heavy especially at night.
Doing a detox once or twice a year can be a great idea.

Nature & Silence

Nature is a basic need in humans . For millions of years we have lived tied to it and only in recent years we have cut the umbilical cord that binds us to Nature. I believe this separation is causing so much suffering in many Human beings.
Go to the park, walk barefoot in the grass or the sand , lie on the ground. Observes nature around you, plants and animal life, allow yourself to be open and learn from them. Animals and children can be the link between us and Mother Nature. Spend some time with them.
Practising some sport in the park can be great, look for people with affinities and share moments.,
Cultivate silence, it is rare in the city. I vividly recommend the practice of yoga and / or meditation. Search for silence when you can choose, it is essential to your own health. It is the most effective way to listen to your inner voice.
Observe your breath during the day , get aware of your posture and of how much you speak .
One good thing about big cities is that you have the possibility of practising yoga and meditation. Find a good instructor and dedicate some time each day to implement these disciplines. The benefit you get is invaluable.  Planning to spend some holidays in a yoga retreat is a good way to reconnect with that silence.

 Protection & Technology

In tropical cities, I would recommend wearing a hat and sunglasses as well as the use of mask fumes.
Try to avoid large temperature contrasts. This is one of the major drawbacks I met when I lived in Bangkok. The sharp contrast in temperature due to the tropical climate and the use of air conditioning in commercial areas or transportation. I recommend you bring a sweater, jacket or a scarf for such occasion in which you see yourself exposed to a great temperature contrast.
Advise regarding transportation, I would choose to walk or use public transportation whenever possible. Avoid driving your own vehicle, you will probably lose hours in traffic jams.Wise idea to invest in a nice and comfortable pair of shoes.
Low Your level of demands. In large cities with lots of artificial environments, we are constantly exposed and bombarded by advertisements and archetypes of happiness, smiles and healthy appearances. It's all just an illusion, try not to fall into the trap and allow yourself to have your moments of downturn without having to judge or feel guilty about it. Learn to respect and honour your "downs".
Nowadays it is very common to be too attached to technology. Try to find a balance in here and remember we share this reality with other interesting humans that, perhaps are in front of you right now and we are not even to noticing them because we would be to busy just surfing the web.


"Peace is within you" at the Skytrain.

Pad Thai 

Pad Thai is so far one of my favourite Thai recipes. I would eat it very often while I was living in Bangkok. At the moment I am living in the beautiful island of Koh Samui. I can not believe that it has been one month already since I arrived for my work-study at Samahita.
I feel so grateful and inspired to be here one year after my yoga TTC, working with my beloved teachers.
Part of my "duty" here is to be involve in an amazing project. It is to revise the actual Cookbook here at the retreat. The recipe I am sharing comes directly from this book.
 Enjoy :-)


16 oz medium rice noodles
1/2 cup cabbage
1 cup bean sprouts
2 tbsp white vinegar
4-6 tbsp black soy sauce
2-3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 eggs (optional)
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp veggie soup stock powder 
soup stock
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup peanuts


Boil the noodles in salted water until tender, around 5-7 mins. Drain in cool water and set aside. To prepare the peanuts, heat the pan or wok, put the peanuts on the heated wok. Cook for 5 mins., remove from heat and let cool. Chop when cooled. Heat oil in wok or frying pan, add cabbage and half the sprouts. Stir fry for 5 mins. Add eggs, noodles, vinegar, soy sauce, black soy sauce, veggie soup stock powder and stir together in wok. Cook for another 5 mins. Just before serving, add the peanuts and the remaining sprouts, stir to distribute. The amounts of soy sauce, sugar, pepper can be adjusted to taste.

Serves 4