jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Winter Potage.

There is nothing better than a winter potage for a cold and damp weather. It is a very consistent dish that warms you up deeply and re-mineralizes your body.
For this recipe we will use sweet root vegetables that will ground us, seaweed for mineralizing, tofu and chickpea for a quality protein and much, much love.


-One cup of chickpea soak overnight in 5 cups of water.
-Two onions Chopped.
-Two carrots cut in slices.
-A sweet potato cut into little-size cubes.
-About 100gr. of pumpkin cut into medium-size cubes.
-A grated big ripe tomato.
-Two smashed cloves of garlic.
-Tofu 200gr. cut into little cubes.
-15gr of dry seaweed hydrated or 50gr of fresh, preferably Nori, Kombu or Wakame.
-1 tablespoon of miso.
-Olive oil.
-Sea salt.


Place the chickpea in a pressure cooker and cover them with cold water. Cook for about 60/70 mins. and keep the broth.
In another cooking pot, hit some olive oil in a low flame and add the chopped onion and the smashed garlic, cook them stirring until they are golden.
Add the tomato and stir for about 5-8 mins. more. Add the other vegetables, the chickpea with the broth , the tofu and the seaweed. Season with salt and let it cook for about 30 mins.
Dissolve the miso in a cup with some of the broth and add it to the pot at the end of the process, once the potage is cooked. Stir and let it rest for 3-5 mins before you serve, perhaps accompanying a whole grain like wheat or rice.

¡ Que aproveche !

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